In the Process of Healing

Located in the former Sacred Heart Convent and supported by the Ballarat Welcome Centre and Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council, “In the Process of Healing” is an immersive site-specific installation of photography and sound, which tells a story of hope and survival of one Tamil family seeking asylum in Australia. With their faces hidden, the images convey a sense of fear and hope for their future.

Separately, there is a second installation dedicated to the survivors of clergy sexual abuse in Ballarat and beyond, featuring a ‘Chair of nails’ sculpture and a sound compiled by the artist. Both exhibitions were located in the historic former Ballarat Convent building, and have been designed by the artist as contemplative spaces.


“Very theatrical, stimulating. When you go to the room, the ‘Chair of nails’ is very stark, but very evocative too. Most theatrically exciting thing for me was coming out of this room and having to walk through the photographs again, and see them in a different emotional state of mind. Beautifully theatrically presented.”

“Thought-provoking, sensitive and empathetic” , “Powerful exhibition”,This is a profoundly insightful, immersive experience, just totally nails it.  


Curator Fiona Marshall speaking with Kirsten Diprose, ABC Radio Ballarat

Exhibition soundscapes:

Featured in:

ABC Radio BallaratSBS Polish Radio | ABC RadioGravity Wave | Ballarat Courier | Healing with Photos article 
